Why We Must Support the Harris-Walz 2024 Presidency on the Groundwork of Lenin

Bearing in mind the 2024 DNC in Chicago which saw numerous condemnations directed at it from both the Right and the Left for its depoliticized identity politics spectacle, such as Palestinian protests aimed at the liberal establishment’s refusal to cut all aid / armaments to Israel, it is crucial for the implementation of Leninist politics.
Why? Because the more immediate and harrowing threat of New Right populism led by Trump which functions as a proto-neofascist movement, takes precedence over the larger global antagonism that is liberal democracy itself. Yes, liberal democracy is the precondition for fascism as already highlighted by the Frankfurt School: it is a symptomatic effect of capitalism which is so fundamentally calamitous, that if it is not completely grappled with in the short-term then the political possibility to stage a sectarian break from liberal democracy could permanently vanish. Bernie Sanders critically comprehends this point, which is why he has reiterated that social democrats and other alternative leftist organizations need to unify and cooperate against Trump by defeating him in the upcoming 2024 election — this stipulates backing Kamala Harris. Once in power, only then is this large coalition of mobilized emancipatory leftist forces — progressives, labor, social democrats, communists — to fully exert their pressure onto the Democratic Party elites (legislature, cabinet), compelling them to stop US funding to Israel. Alongside this, their combined power can be deployed at the political, economic and civil society level to advance the material interests of the lower classes (e.g. collective bargaining strikes, expansion of trade union membership and new chapters, think tank and university discourse to shape progressive policies, nationwide public protests at key locations demanding democrats serve the ordinary people’s agenda, etc.). For this reason, although Harris now formally spearheads the customary neoliberal doctrine that has been responsible for the decreased living standards and quality of life — over the past 45 years with the start of US neoliberalism — for the overwhelming majority of Americans (upwards of 80%), inclusive of the white working class (the biggest population demographic in the country); it is only under her administration that this structural condition could be potentially reversed. Consequently, the influence of this movement could impel the Democratic Party stronghold to finally confront what has been its haunting specter ever since its cultural turn after 1968 — class struggle.
This opportunity is inconceivable under Trump, not only because he will effectively do nothing to benefit the economic conditions for all ordinary people but will increasingly diminish the sociopolitical rights and gains that the liberal left have accomplished for minorities, immigrants/refugees and LGTBQ+ people. The easiest demonstration being the 2022 — Trump-instituted Republican majority — Supreme Court decision to overturn the right to abortion. New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez aptly summarized this focal point in her speech at the DNC: “The truth is, Don [Donald Trump], you cannot love this country if you only fight for the wealthy and big business. To love this country is to fight for its people, all people, working people, everyday Americans like bartenders and factory workers and fast-food cashiers who are on their feet all day in some of the toughest jobs out there.”
It is on this foundation that people have to also denounce the pseudo-radical leftist orthodox standpoint reserved by Noam Chomsky and Alain Badiou: their “principled” refusal to participate in party politics through electoral voting because it simply reproduces the conditions of liberal democracy and sustains the system of capitalism, misses the mark. It exhibits this cynical political stance of never endorsing or engaging pragmatically in politics because the struggle is “not radical enough”, upon which they can comfortably examine and predict the failures of leftist struggles from their safe academic distance. The standard counterargument from their point of view is: alright, the liberal left promotes personal freedoms and civil rights, but what good are they if people are impoverished, have credit and college debt, live paycheck to paycheck, and are constrained to these economic forces their entire lives. This is undeniably true, but using the same line of reasoning you could redouble their logic right back at them: what good are greater material conditions if people’s fundamental freedoms and human rights are deprived, which will not only exacerbate economic struggles but prevent a percentage of the population from even having the ability to participate in the economy. It is Trump as an obscene configuration of evil who has the precedence and absolute will to worsen both dimensions. As Slavoj Zizek highlighted: “Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are ultimately the same, instruments of the financial elites; however, who will win the 2024 US elections is a matter of life and death for millions of blacks and women. Just one — in no way minor — case: if Trump wins, poor black women will be the main victims of the further limitation of abortion rights, etc.” On this account, concrete engagement is vital.
What does all of this have to do with the great Communist revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin? What I have been describing about practical collaboration encompasses Lenin’s political principle of pragmatic opportunism: the unwavering commitment to the ‘concrete analysis of the concrete situation’. This signifies that remaining loyal to a Cause requires the subject to avoid blind fundamentalism and cynical opportunism by changing their formal mode of engagement when the situation demands it — reconfiguring their basic position. Two examples in the last century to instantiate this framework were: Stalin collaborating with the World War Two Allied Forces who designated the ‘global imperialist powers of capitalism’ in order to defeat the larger danger of European Fascism; and Lenin’s own resolution to adopt capitalist policies in the Soviet Union as a last-ditch effort to create the conditions for communism. The adage Lenin often employed to define this process was: “to begin from the beginning over and over again” … As though the struggle epitomizes a mountain climber who, on their course to ascend the mountain top, must recline back down again to find new paths which elevate them to a higher plane on the mountain; thereby gaining progress towards their aim. This determination and flexibility to try again, fail again, fail better (in the words of playwright Samuel Beckett), is how the authentic Left is to intervene in the current political landscape within the United States. Taken to its logical conclusion, this Leninist model underlining the radical leftist project of emancipation would entail the sectarian break from our current system of liberal democracy, in addition to bypassing the outdated logic of European Social Democracy typified by the Welfare State (Bernie Sanders is the American representative of this ideal). However, these long-term procedures must be accompanied by short-term measures of remorseless pragmatic support to the cause of Palestinian liberation and developing an adequate system of social democracy within the United States.
On a Final note for Kamala Harris: she launched her presidential campaign at a massive labor union press conference (a UAW Union Hall in Wayne, Michigan), being the first US presidential candidate in history to do so. While of course symbolic, it nevertheless maintains the capacity for trade unions and other Leftist institutions to hold her accountable in passing legislation that improves the bargaining power and labor conditions of workers: higher national minimum wage, greater job benefits such as broadening affordable health insurance — with dental — to cover all uninsured workers regardless of occupation, enacting severe fines and legal action against any corporate union-busting practices, guaranteeing job security for full/part-time work and yearly scheduling (dismantling the Gig economy), introducing local and national employee commissions who retain the power to influence the investment decisions of corporations, etc. Therefore, any hypocrisy or shortcomings from her administration maintains the open field of criticism; burdening her to confront it. Parenthetically, an unexpected positive outcome that could perhaps unfold, is harnessing her experience and symbolic identity as a prosecutor who preserves the Rule of Law: ruthlessly enforcing existing international law (ICC, ICJ) against Israel’s state terror and taking full advantage of what’s left of the United States waning global imperial power to serve this emancipatory cause — deploying military forces to the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Golan Heights and Gaza in the protection of Palestinian civilian life from the IDF. In this way, she would correspond to Nixon’s opening of trade exchange with China in the 1970s and achieve what the true moral majority of the country desire apropos foreign policy: ending Palestine’s destruction and occupation.